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<:: Combine Civil Authority Handbook Revision No.2 :: >

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<:: Combine Civil Authority Handbook Revision No.2 :: > Empty <:: Combine Civil Authority Handbook Revision No.2 :: >

Post by Raklo Fri May 31, 2013 4:59 pm

(( All credit goes to Blu, the owner of Blu Advanced Gaming for supplying this format, couldn't have done it without him making it! ))
< : : Combine Civil Authority Handbook : : >
Chapter One : Loadouts
(Recruit) Items:
1. Stunstick.
2. Small combat knife.
3. Datapad.
4. Thin Kevlar, Small Neckguard, Pants with small knee-guards, Rubber Boots, Plastic Helmet. [Armor]
(i8) Items:
1. 9mm
3. Stunstick.
4. Stainless-steel combat knife.
5. Datapad.
6. Thin Kevlar, Medium Neckguard, Pants with medium knee-guards, Rubber Boots, Plastic Helmet (Re-Inforced with plastic braces). [Armor]
(i7-i4) Items:
1. 9mm
3. Stainless-steel, large combat knife.
4. Stunstick.
5. Datapad.
6. Medium Kevlar, Large Neckguard, Pants with large knee-guards, Steel-Toe Boots, Metal Helmet (Re-Inforced with metal braces). [Armor]
(i3-i1) Items:
1. 9mm
2. Stainless-steel, large combat knife.
3. Stunstick.
4. Datapad.
5. MP7
6. Heavy Kevlar, Large Neckguard, Pants with large knee-guards, Steel-Toe Boots, Metal Helmet (Re-Inforced with metal braces). [Armor]
(OfC & NcO) Items:
1. 9mm
2. Stainless-steel, large combat knife.
3. Stunstick.
4. Datapad.
5. MP7 or SPAS-12
6. X-Heavy Kevlar (w/ trenchcoat), X-Large Neckguard, Pants with large knee-guards, Steel-Toe Boots, Steel Helmet (Re-Inforced with steel braces). [Armor]


1. 9mm or 357.
2. Stainless-steel, large combat knife.
3. Stunstick.
4. Datapad.
5. MP7 or SPAS-12 or AR2
6. XX-Heavy Kevlar, XX-Large Neckguard, Pants with X-large knee-guards, Steel-Toe Boots, Metal&Steel Helmet (Re-Inforced with metal&steel braces). [Armor]
(DvL) Items:
1. 9mm or 357.
2. Stainless-steel, large combat knife.
3. Stunstick.
4. Datapad.
5. MP7 or SPAS-12 or AR2
6. XX-Heavy Kevlar, XX-Large Neckguard, Pants with X-large knee-guards, Steel-Toe Boots, Metal&Steel Helmet (Re-Inforced with metal&steel braces). [Armor]
(CmD) Items:
1. 9mm or .357 Revolver
2. Stainless-steel, large combat knife.
3. Stunstick.
4. Datapad.
5. MP7, SPAS-12 , or AR2.
6. XX-Heavy Kevlar, XX-Large Neckguard, Pants with X-large knee-guards, Steel-Toe Boots, Metal&Steel Helmet (Re-Inforced with metal&steel braces). [Armor]
(SeC) Items:
1. 9mm or .357 Revolver.
2. Stainless-steel, large combat knife.
3. Stunstick.
4. Datapad.
5. MP7, SPAS-12 , or AR2.
6. Overwatch-Grade Kevlar, XXX-Large Neckguard, Pants with XXX-large knee-guards, full leg protection, Steel-Toe Boots, Gold Helmet (Re-Inforced with metal&steel&iron&golden braces). [Armor]
Required to carry:
Nomad : x2 Health Kits. Containing: x2 Health Vials, x2 Biogel , x3 Bandage Rolls, Extra scraps, a tool bag, etc.
Phantom : Combine Sniper, x4 Throwing Knives
Chapter Two : CCA Judgement System
For every citizen you catch, you have to view their data. (/viewdata name). Once viewing their data, you must write the following format, and fill it in with the information you know.
Citizen Identification #:
Citizen Name:
Loyalty Points:
Anti-Citizen Points:
Extra Information:
Now. Lets break this down.
Citizen Identification #
• This is the citizen ID. (The citizen would press F1 and get the ID from the GUI that pops up from there.)
• When asking a citizen to apply, they should give you their Name and CID (Civil Identification).
• The time to ask a citizen to apply is during rations, inspection, or when detaining one.
Citizen Name
• This should be self-explanatory. When a citizen applies, they give you their name.
Loyalty Points
• Here is how the loyalty system works:
Combine Loyalty Points System
When a citizen, or CWU, does a job for a Combine Civil Authority unit. Such as, cleaning shoes, or even reporting a crime.
Reporting a crime is very helpful (also reporting suspect locations), so it is recommended to give more loyalty points to a citizen/cwu for that. If a citizen/cwu has 10 or more loyalist points, they would be rewarded a Loyalist Armband. Ask a DvL or higher for these to reward them.
Anti-Citizen Points
• The exact opposite of loyalist points. Distribute them to citizen's doing bad things. 10 Anti-Citizen Points means the citizen shall be added to the anti-citizen roster.
• This means, make a record of how many times they have been arrested, and why. For example, you detain a citizen. You will view this and put in something like..
Arrests: 1. Detained - Reason: Running and ignoring warnings. Detained for 5 cycles.
• (One cycle means 1 minute in real life.)
Extra Information
• Very much self-explanatory. Maybe put in notes for other units to see, etc.
Chapter Three : Rules
You shall never dis-respect your superiors.
You shall never salute outside of the nexus.
You shall never bring a un-tied citizen in the nexus.
You shall never dis-respect any of your fellow Units.
You shall never betray the Union.
You shall always follow orders from superiors, no matter what.
You shall never aim a weapon at any of your superiors/fellow units.
You shall keep your weapon on safety inside the nexus unless told.
You shall never trust a Citizen.
You shall only salute in the nexus while speaking with a superior.
You shall never patrol alone as a recruit.
You shall never ignore your superiors/fellow units.
You shall never let any Citizen handle your equipment, such as guns, etc.
You shall never go in restricted areas without permission.
You shall never turn off your radio.
You shall never commit UPA with any Citizen. Only commit UPA if you have 100 non-mechanical reproduction credits, and you require permission for this.
You shall never hide anything from your superiors, and never lie to them.
You shall never smuggle items for blackmarket reasons.
You shall never work together with a Anti-Citizen.
You shall never bring a Necrotic into the Nexus.
You shall never bring a Biotic into the Nexus.
You shall never as a recruit engage a Biotic alone.
You shall never as a recruit engage a Necrotic alone.
You shall always report any crime or problem to your superiors.
Breaking one of these rules twice will result in amputation.
Chapter Four : Ranks
(RcT) : Recruit - Brand new units, seen patrolling in groups of two or more.
(05-01) : i8-i1 - These  units are the basic units of the CCA. Once hitting i5 you can ask the Sectorial to be moved into a new division. These units are seen patrolling by themselves or in groups of two or more.
(OfC) :  Officer - OfC units serve the DvL of their division and are in command of their division when the DvL is 10-7. They are to be treated with respect.OfC will also we training mentors and usually group leaders.
(NcO) : Non-Commissioned-Officer - NcO These units command units in their division to carry out certain tasks, they are to be treated with the same respect as OfC.
(DvL) : Division Leader - DvL units lead any division they are put into to. They are to be treated with much respect.
(SeC) : Sectorial - The Sectorial is the commander of Universal Union forces in a city. They are to be treated with much respect, as they are the leader of UU forces within a city.
Chapter Four : Contraband
Arrest able contraband
This contra is listed here:
Books with pictures
Books with un-civil language
Non UU flashlight
Non UU foods
Papers whilst not being CWU
Union Card whilst not being CWU
Amputate able contraband
This contra is listed here:
Anti-citizen propaganda.
CCA Unit frequency.
Rebel uniforms.
Allowed Contra
CWU goods
Books that spread the combine word
Loyalist armbands
UU branded flashlight
Chapter Five : Divisions
Phantom: Stealth division used for picking locks and such, assassination, etc.
Reaper: Specializing in apartment raids, melee combat, heavy weapons and explosions unit,
Nomad: Dealing with medical treatment and technical things such as augmentments on units.
Judge: Dealing with detainment log-book and keeping a eye on citizens.
Union: Main Division, first division for all units.

Chapter Six : UPA

UPA or Reproduction is a gift for CCA units, but only to Officers.
UPA will be recorded on your data everytime you 10-8 and do your job.
Only allowed ranks are 02 and up.

UPA slaves are common yet you can have UPA with another Officer, or a citizen that is allowed.

Koldisk~ Alright, I noticed some CCA units doing none of the human things that make them, they are not robots or beast men who never need food and survive on killing. This frankly makes me mad in a small way, so I am adding this; all CCA must do this from now on.
1. You must get hungry in a good margin of time.
2. You must passive role-play your eating no saying; Welp' I eats my supplements hur hur.
3. You must get tired walking around, everyone gets tired walking for hours.
4. Even with augments your body sub-comes to baser human mortalities.
5. Units will not meta game again, (This is a different thing I see) If I find you do this you will answer to me, trust me I am a nice guy but you make me mad may god have mercy.
6. Units are not badasses, raids will require two people from now on, if not able pretend it or go with one.
7. Play to lose now, I have noticed many CCA don't, me and Gandalf will enforce this from now on.
8. Also CCA units are not amazing shots, shoot to miss more, and make you aim legit.

Last edited by Gandalf The White on Sat Jul 20, 2013 3:10 am; edited 12 times in total (Reason for editing : Adding/Fixing problems and ranks and divisions)

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Join date : 2013-05-16
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<:: Combine Civil Authority Handbook Revision No.2 :: > Empty Re: <:: Combine Civil Authority Handbook Revision No.2 :: >

Post by Sheldon5579 Fri May 31, 2013 5:24 pm


Very well done 8/10
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<:: Combine Civil Authority Handbook Revision No.2 :: > Empty Re: <:: Combine Civil Authority Handbook Revision No.2 :: >

Post by Keerf Sat Jun 01, 2013 3:39 am

Very well done indeed!
But uhm.. What about the SPAS-12? I would like to see that item aswell..
EDIT: Also, what rank doyou have to be for an SPAS-12? 01, OfC?

Okay, sorry But I did not know what a M3 Benelli was, so I searched it, and it was a shotgun.. Soo, uhm...

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<:: Combine Civil Authority Handbook Revision No.2 :: > Empty Re: <:: Combine Civil Authority Handbook Revision No.2 :: >

Post by John Walrus the third Sun Jun 02, 2013 8:18 am

Excuse me but shouldn't the RcT's boots be rubber boots instead of just boots?
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<:: Combine Civil Authority Handbook Revision No.2 :: > Empty Re: <:: Combine Civil Authority Handbook Revision No.2 :: >

Post by Sheldon5579 Mon Jun 03, 2013 7:35 pm

John Walrus the third wrote:Excuse me but shouldn't the RcT's boots be rubber boots instead of just boots?

Hmm, perhaps.
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<:: Combine Civil Authority Handbook Revision No.2 :: > Empty Re: <:: Combine Civil Authority Handbook Revision No.2 :: >

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