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The Civil Worker's Union and you!

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The Civil Worker's Union and you! Empty The Civil Worker's Union and you!

Post by John Walrus the third Sun May 26, 2013 2:56 pm

Welcome to the handbook of the Civil Worker's Union.
Our goals are to serve the humble citizens of City45 and the CCA in anyway.
We also supply jobs for the local citizens like city cleaning. (More to come)
But let us get on to more detailed things.

Joining the Civil Worker's Union
Joining the Civil Worker's Union will require you not to have over 3 violation points.
Once you have one head to your local Union department and if you ask if the Civil Worker's union is accepting new members, I will interview you with some questions. When you have passed it and you are in a division, you will be given clothes, a union card, a request device and tokens depending on your wealth.

Now on to rules, do not break any of these please.
1. You must carry a request device at ALL times. (If you don't have one then quickly get one)
2. You will report any anti-citizens at all times, even if they are your friends.
3. We do not buy contraband.
4. Report citizens trying to sell contraband.
5. Do not supply anti-citizens.
6. Do not refuse any citizen or officer.
7. Do not forget to lock storage.
8. Do not insult a citizen in anyway.
9. You will not tell a citizen to get out, unless he is interfering with business.
10. You will only use the union card in Necessary places.

Here is a set of departments.
City Carer

OOC Notes
I am going to put some notes here.
1. Abusing business will result in a PK
2. I will be watching constantly on your progress
3. There will be a limit of Civil Worker's I think about a max of 15 will do.
4. I will not accept people who I find unfit to roleplay as a Civil Worker.
5. If you are not accepted then don't take a guff about it.

Now don't forget to consult this page regulatory, good luck!
John Walrus the third
John Walrus the third

Posts : 34
Join date : 2013-05-13
Location : Antarctica

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The Civil Worker's Union and you! Empty Re: The Civil Worker's Union and you!

Post by Raklo Sat Jun 01, 2013 2:12 pm

Very good work, John. I think this is well made, and seems fit to even be a CWU Handbook!

Posts : 27
Join date : 2013-05-16
Location : Antartica , Walrus Republic

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The Civil Worker's Union and you! Empty Re: The Civil Worker's Union and you!

Post by John Walrus the third Sun Jun 02, 2013 7:14 am

Thank you vice.
John Walrus the third
John Walrus the third

Posts : 34
Join date : 2013-05-13
Location : Antarctica

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The Civil Worker's Union and you! Empty Re: The Civil Worker's Union and you!

Post by Private Pyle Sat Jul 13, 2013 6:18 pm

Welp....This Walrus is the best, no? (Yoda voice)
Private Pyle
Private Pyle

Posts : 20
Join date : 2013-07-10
Location : In the Nexus, making fun of Recruits.

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The Civil Worker's Union and you! Empty Re: The Civil Worker's Union and you!

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