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CCA Applictation for Dane Valek

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CCA Applictation for Dane Valek Empty CCA Applictation for Dane Valek

Post by Eclipticdawn Wed Jul 17, 2013 3:57 pm

Name: Dane Valek

CID: Two-Eight-Four-Zero-Three

Give a three paragraph summary of your characters life BEFORE the seven hour war:

Dane Valek grew up in the the country of Germany, living during the more peaceful of times. During his early childhood Dane grew up living in a house built atop of an automobile mechanic's garage, his Father being the owner and repairman of the business allowed his family to keep Dane at home and teach him both how to take care of a car and his Mother home schooling him. The young boy grew learning how to repair, maintain and even disassemble and reassemble a car from scratch. By the time he was 14 his Father had him working beside him, joining in on the family business and starting to save up some of his own money.

By the time he turned 18, and with the money he had earned. He enlisted in a aviation mechanic school, learning how to fly and repair vehicles from single engined prop planes to complex helicopter rotary systems. His main field of study being helicopters, spending more time in the air hovering around rather than flying straight all the time. After 4 years of study, Dane had completed his training and earned a job at a local airfield.

When he turned 25, he had a near death experience with one of the helicopters. While working on the electrical system, a charge was sent through the computer of the vehicle and started the engine. The helicopter blades starting to spool up while he was outside near the rear tail rotor. With no one at the controls the blades continued to speed up until it started to take off, the anti-torque rotor acting slower due to the malfunction caused it to start spinning in circles, unable to get at the controls Dane started making a run for safety. The helicopter finally tipping over and crashing into the ground, sending pieces of shrapnel from the spinning blade everywhere, one piece clipping him across the left leg and causing him to fall over. Curling up and not able to run, he'd wait until the chaos had stopped and the engine died in the helicopter.

A week had passed, finally able to leave the hospital. The piece of shrapnel, had it been 2 inches further to the right, would have torn clean through his leg. Having to walk with a cast, he'd be grounded for the next month. At least until he healed properly, the airport, even if it wasn't his fault, only paying for the medical bill before letting him go. Without a job, and no way of paying for a plane himself, would have to return to his old job of working on cars. With the strange weather going on overhead though, he'd return home to get some rest. Only to wake up a couple hours later in the middle of a war, and one that would change the course of earth for good.

Roleplay examples:

You and your partner find a anti-citizen yelling about the union and how bad it is, what do you do?

Citizen: The universal union is a lie! All will die for that is what the combine require of us to join them! Do not listen to their promises of safety, and true freedom.

CCA #1: Citizen, refrain your shouting and move along. Continued disturbance will result in a class 2 arrest.

The citizen continues to speak in a loud voice. "See, my brothers and sisters! They're trying to stop me from spreading the truth! These faceless ones devoid of their humanity, who have given up hope and hide behind their black suits try to oppress us everyday!"

The two units look to each other and nod, pulling out their batons. "You were warned, Citizen." The two units hit the man on opposite sides, allowing for a electrical current to flow between the two points and cause the man to drop to the ground in pain.

Citizen: You will all be judged, when the day comes that we take back our planet.

One unit hits him with the butt end of the baton and knocks him out, turning him over and zip-tying his arms together. The other unit gets on the radio to dispatch. "10-103, Code 415 dealt with. 10-19 with citizen. 10-23."

You have standard 03 equipment, five citizen approach you cornering you saying "Drop the items!" What do you do?

The CCA unit pulls out his MP7, aiming it at the mob that is starting to circle him. Backing up to the wall to prevent himself from being surrounded. Locating the citizen in charge of the riot, he'd fire a warning round into his leg. "Citizens. I suggest you back up right now. Or I will aim higher." Using one hand to use his radio, he'd start calling it in. "11-99. Possible 11-73 in progress. 10-20 is housing block 14."

With only one citizen down, the others move in closer. The unit firing another round into the next citizens leg but by the time he can aim for a 3rd they all attempt to jump him. The unit using his training, as well as his strengthened body to hold them off until the nearest backup arrives.

You have standard 01 equipment,the City Admin decides to go outside for a stroll along the city, while outside rebels attack you. What do you do?

The CCA unit steps between the Administrator and the rebels, using his armor to make a barricade for him. Equipping his MP7 he'd start firing suppressive rounds at the anti-citizens. "11-99. 12-00. Multiple Code 647A's assaulting administrator." Once he had fired his entire magazine he'd grab the CA and run him behind cover. Using the spare time to reload and use the position to gain as much time for help to arrive.

Reasons for joining the CCA? I want to help keep the loyalists of the union safe. And to preserve our standing with the Combine so that we may one day join them in the universal union.

What skills will be useful in the CCA that you have acquired? I have advanced engineering knowledge, as well as basic technical training. I believe I can help maintain equipment and keep the Union's cogs working to the best of their efficiency.

What is the importance of the CCA? To preserve the order and safety of the Union and to uphold society so that we may prove our with to the Combine.

Posts : 2
Join date : 2013-07-16
Age : 31
Location : Westminster, CO

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CCA Applictation for Dane Valek Empty Re: CCA Applictation for Dane Valek

Post by Koldisk The Wolf Wed Jul 17, 2013 4:22 pm

Well I dare say this was the best application I have seen. Excellent work on the back story I loved it I even imagined it unlike some I have seen I give this application 9/10 I like it all but one thing was the punctionation one or two misses stil excellent.

You sir, are.....


Welcome to the Union.
Koldisk The Wolf
Koldisk The Wolf

Posts : 15
Join date : 2013-06-10

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