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CCA-HELIX-RcT.56568's Biography!

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CCA-HELIX-RcT.56568's Biography! Empty CCA-HELIX-RcT.56568's Biography!

Post by RPSim Fri May 24, 2013 6:53 pm

I am making this bio to pass some time,and get to get a good idea of who my charecter will be!
Do not use any information from here to metagame,if you guys want to read this.
Jason was born in,January,8,1995,to his mother and father,Elizabeth,and Manuel Manacrese.He was born as a healthy newborn baby,with no problems.So he got to leave the hospital to go to his home with his mother and father.Where they had prepared for him by getting furniture prepared,and by buying clothes,food,and other things for him.And he had his family prepared for him at his new house,waiting to meet the new little guy.Him and his parents got to their house,greeting the rest of the family,letting them meet the new member of the family,and let him meet them.Everyone got to meet the new member,and the new member got to meet everyone else in the family.And everyone had a good time and after awhile everyone left,and it was only his mom,father,and himself.They put the little baby,tired after meeting everyone,in his crib,got in their bed,and everyone went to sleep.After a few months,Jason learned to walk,talk abit,and was fully potty trained.Jason was a smart boy for everyone else at his age,knowing how to do all these things after only a few months.

After a few months of turning three,Jason was off to pre-school for his first day.He was not scared or anything,he was glad and excited because he would be able to meet new people,and play with them,and since he liked learning and becoming smarter he was excited to learn some new things.So on the first day he rode to the pre-school with his parents,backpack on and excited.
When Jason got there he immediatly saw many new people he wanted to meet.His mom handed him over to a nice teacher,she led him to a place where he put up his stuff,then he went out to play.Immediatly he met nice people,that became his good friends in pre-school for the rest of the time he was there.

Then a year and a few months later he started kindergarten,and he was excited like he was to go to pre-school.So he got all of his stuff ready,and did what he needed to before going on the first day,and headed off.Him and his parents drove to the school,dropped him off at the front like all the other parents did,and said goodbye,love you,then drove off.Jason walked into the school to stop at the front hallway where everyone was being led to their new classrooms,and he got led to his.And he got to his classroom after being led,and when arriving saw lots of kids he thought were friendly,and some he recognized,and he walked up to them and started talking to them.Jason learned lots of things in that year,and made many new friends,and had a better relationship with the people he knew from pre-school.

A few years later,he was then in highschool,and had taken interest in alot of the girls in his school thinking they were hot,and also had learned alot of things and such during the past few years in school before highschool.He asked alot of the girls out,going out with a few trying to find the one he liked the best,and found one girl called Amber he liked the best,she had blonde hair,tannish skin,and had alot in common with him.They did lots of things together and such,like studying,boy friend and girl friend activities,and lots of things.Jason continued on with high school,learning,and such.

Then a few years later he passed,at the age of Eighteen,and had broke up with his girlfriend,and such.And now took interest in many different things,like medical things,building computers,coding,practicing with guns,many different things.He practiced alot of these things for two years learning abit of each thing he liked.And then all the sudden there were reportings of alien creatures.And then after a few days or weeks of the sighting,there were then masked men roaming,killing people and capturing people.Jason went outside to find this,seeing masked men,some type of aircrafts,and many other things he'd never seen before.Jason went back inside to alert his mother and father,being at their house at that time,but as he was alerting them about six men rushed at them,grabbing ahold of them,the family tryed moving out abit but when they did,the men quickly pinned them all to the ground knocking Jason out and his mother and father.

Jason woke up on a train with many other people,many scared,lots crying,some knocked out,and more.After a few minutes the train then came to a halt,where everyone got out and was directed to go get there Citizen Identification Card,And a jumpsuit.Jason got his after waiting in line,putting on his new suit without question,and tucked his C.I.D In his pocket.Then he headed outside looking around,seeing they were in a city like place.Surrounded by many buildings,and masked men,that everyone found out to be very mean,and cruel if you did not do what yours suppose to be doing,and found they were called the combine.

After a few months,Jason and the other citizens got a apartment if they could.Jason lived at the top floor of the apartments in his,sleeping on his couch at nights.In the beginning he couldnt sleep but later he found it was kind of safer in this place.After those few months of being there,Jason walked up to one of the combine men,and asked could he join the combine.So the combine man said okay,tied Jason,and led him into the nexus for a interveiw.Jason did the interveiw,and was accepted,and put into the HELIX division,claiming the name CCA-HELIX-RcT.56568.

He still lives serving under the combine,being loyal and such.

Posts : 36
Join date : 2013-05-16
Location : At deh Sodey Pop Store with Raklo!

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CCA-HELIX-RcT.56568's Biography! Empty Re: CCA-HELIX-RcT.56568's Biography!

Post by RPSim Fri May 24, 2013 6:54 pm

Sorry if this wasnt the best,I was kind of rushing on this abit.Hope you guys enjoyed it though Smile!

Posts : 36
Join date : 2013-05-16
Location : At deh Sodey Pop Store with Raklo!

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CCA-HELIX-RcT.56568's Biography! Empty Re: CCA-HELIX-RcT.56568's Biography!

Post by John Walrus the third Sat May 25, 2013 6:04 am

It was okay 6/10 walruses.
John Walrus the third
John Walrus the third

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Join date : 2013-05-13
Location : Antarctica

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CCA-HELIX-RcT.56568's Biography! Empty Re: CCA-HELIX-RcT.56568's Biography!

Post by RPSim Sat May 25, 2013 10:56 am

6/10 Walruses...Commander Willy Walrus will have the four walruses who didn't think I could get a ten,EXECUTED!

Posts : 36
Join date : 2013-05-16
Location : At deh Sodey Pop Store with Raklo!

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CCA-HELIX-RcT.56568's Biography! Empty Re: CCA-HELIX-RcT.56568's Biography!

Post by johnnyhard Tue Jun 11, 2013 8:33 pm

Thats what my kitten typed in


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Join date : 2013-06-11

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CCA-HELIX-RcT.56568's Biography! Empty Re: CCA-HELIX-RcT.56568's Biography!

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