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RULES (Must read)

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RULES (Must read) Empty RULES (Must read)

Post by Sheldon5579 Sat May 11, 2013 8:57 pm


User Rules
No punchwhoring.
No abuse of flags.
No meta-gaming.
No power-gaming.
No minge-grabbing.
No asking for admin.
No making names for character of famous people or any character from anything.
Do not ever make full caps in sentences unless boldly stating a word like THIS.

Admin Rules
No using caps lock in all words/letters in a sentence.
No banning below admin without asking and giving a legit reason.
Abuse of flags will result in demotion.
Do not ask for admin or any higher rank.
No spawning in items like guns or tokens etc.
If a user gets on and doesn't know how to roleplay YOU teach them.

IC Rules
/Me will be used correctly.
There must be fear rp and things like that.
Always use a capital at the beginning of every sentence.
Use correct pronunciations like ! or ? or ,
If a player was AFK, then you can not use that against him or her, because that is unfair. Example:
[unit] radios: All units report location.
[OOC] player: I am back!
[unit]: Why didn't you report your location in?

OOC Rules
No spamming even if it is funny.
Ask important things or make announcements with OOC.
Chat with people far distances in OOC only.

Here is a link to the addons we use: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=145439002

Last edited by Gandalf5579 on Sat Jun 08, 2013 12:00 am; edited 2 times in total
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Join date : 2013-05-10
Age : 37
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