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Raklo's CCA Application

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Raklo's CCA Application Empty Raklo's CCA Application

Post by Raklo Wed Jul 17, 2013 5:04 pm

Name: Dmitri Svalov

CID: 10777

Give a three paragraph summary of your characters life BEFORE the seven hour war:

Dmitri grew up in Moscow, along with his friends, who he would later start a gang with. He went to public schooling, meeting most of his friend there. He also grew up amongst a fairly poor family, of witch he loves to death. He progressed through school, his family becoming in debt as Dmitri finished high school. Due to his family being poor and in debt, Dmitri and his friends formed a gang, witch they hoped would get enough money to pay off the debt. Six months progressed in the gang, Dmitri had already gotten skilled in the ways of crime. He learned how to pick locks, get into houses quickly and quietly, but he also ended up getting a job, in order to help pay off the debt, of witch they still owed 1/4 of. He ended up getting into contact with a underground crime ring, and ended up getting himself a job as a doctor there, patching up people whom had gotten shot in gang wars, and other violent activities.

Two months passed, and they payed off the debt completely. But in sheer anger of the labor the loan sharks made Dmitri and his gang go through, him and his friends tracked down their homes and broke in, murdering three of the loan sharks with nothing but switchblades and baseball bats.
The screams of pain were heard from the loan sharks, and within minutes the police were at the house, but Dmitri and his gang were gone, the only evidence being the men's corpses. Dmitri packed his things, and told his family that he'd have to go, or risk the police arresting him. His family dis-agreed, saying they should come with him. He declined their offer and took some money, and took a boat ride to the Britain, knowing that in the US people were struggling with work. It cost him most of his money, but he ended up landing himself a job in a coffee shop as soon as he got into Britain. But within a month, things went bad. First, the headcrabs and the Vortigaunts, then the war came. Within seven hours, Dmitri had experienced Britain become devastated by the Combine, as they are now referred to as.

Dmitri was moved into City 45, in what he thinks is Bulgaria, and was assigned a blue jumpsuit, and a C.I.D, and was informed that rations would be issued, and if you commit crimes against the new government called the Union, you would not get a ration. Dmitri, although confused of the new changes, saw that he should obey the Union, and not mess up. After a while, Dmitri applied to become a Civil Protection officer in haste, hopping it could get him more rations, and get him better conditions. But he also wished to serve a cause, and let himself be used for something.

Roleplay examples:

You and your partner find a anti-citizen yelling about the union and how bad it is, what do you do?
[Me]: Citizen, wall!
[Citizen]: Screw you!
** The Citizen quickly sprints sprint off into a nearby alleyway, it being a dead end.
/me removes his baton, moving the voltage to HIGH.
[Me]: Wall!
** The Citizen moves to the wall, realizing he's trapped.
[Me]: Apply!
[Citizen] David Bastion, 70138
/me removes his datapad, typing in the information.
/me quickly adds Resisting Detainment and Dis-Respecting the Union, and Loitering to his data, also adding four Anti-Citizen points.
/me removes a zip-tie from his bag, attempting to tie the Citizen
** The Citizen grips the CP's hand, attempting to twist it, quickly getting behind him afterwards.
/me spots him moving his hand, attempting to send a kick to the groin of the Citizen.
** The Citizen is kicked, falling over.
/me forces him up, attempting to tie him again.
** The Citizen is tied easily.
/me pats him down, finding nothing.
/me would grip his radio, talking into it after pressing the talk button down.
[Me]: Anti-Citizen fount, detaining, five Anti-Citizen points added.
** The Commander would radio in: "Copy that."
[Me]: Quickly raises his stunstick, beginning to beat the man unconscious, dragging him to the detainment cells afterwards.

You have standard 03 equipment, five citizen approach you cornering you saying "Drop the items!" What do you do?
[Me]: Move back, right now!
/me moves his hand to his MP7 in a swift move, raising it, and flicking off the safety.
/me presses his index finger down on the trigger, attempting to spray the men.
** The Citizens drop to the ground, one being hit in the head, the other in the right shoulderblade, it exiting his shoulder.
** The Citizens quickly sprint off, the injured and dead one laying on the ground.
/me grips his radio, quickly pressing the talk button.
[Me]: Anti-Citizens attempted to rob me of my gear, I opened fire, three have fled, one is dead, and one is wounded. Orders?
** The SeC would radio in: "Detain the injured Anti-Citizen, we'll need him for questioning. Afterwards, report to me. We'll send in somebody to clean up the dead one.
[Me]: Rodger that.
/me flicks the safety onto his MP7 slinging it afterwards, then grabbing the injured Anti-Citizen, attempting to tie him.
** The Citizen groans in pain, letting himself get tied.
/me lets go of the talk button, tucking his radio away.
/me pats him down, dragging him off, inhaling and exhaling softly, his heart beating fast.

You have standard 01 equipment,the City Admin decides to go outside for a stroll along the city, while outside rebels attack you. What do you do?
/me shields CA, rushing him to cover.
** A 9mm bullet rushes forward, towards the 01's shoulder.
/me gets hit by the bullet as they reach cover, sitting down, looking at his wound.
/me moves his hand to his radio, drawing it out, pressing down on the talk button, looking at the CA.
[Me]: Anti-Citizens attempting to assassinate the CA, we're pinned down, and I'm hit, OTA needed for deployment!
** Bullets would hit nearby the CA and the 01, the rest of the units whom were with the 01 and the CA now injured badly, or dead.
** The SeC would radio in, saying hastily: " Copy that, OTA being deployed to your location. "
** The footsteps of five OTA would be heard, the 01 being able to see them enter, as they lay down fire upon the rebels.
/me lets go of the talk button, placing his hand over his wound, looking at the rebels, now fleeing.
** The rebels would rush off, some being shot in the process.
** The OTAs would radio in: " Anti-Citizens fleeing, two confirmed kills. Pursuing Anti-Citizens.
/me motions for the CA to follow him, moving back to the Nexus quickly.

Reasons for joining the CCA?
I want to serve the great cause that is the CCA. I also want myself to be useful, and not another pile of human waste that only sits around, not benefiting to anybody.

What skills will be useful in the CCA that you have acquired?
I know the basics of medical training such as blood transfusions, removing bullet casings inside of people, and other things of the sort. If that is not needed, I can also move into places quietly, and I can also use my skills in lock picking to move into buildings without using a loud method. And to end the list, I am decent in close quarters combat and I can shoot the standard HK USP Match efficiently.

What is the importance of the CCA?
To serve the Universal Union and protect the city from all maligant or anti-civil Citizens whom plan to threaten the city's populace by spreading lies of breaking free and being free.

End of application.

Posts : 27
Join date : 2013-05-16
Location : Antartica , Walrus Republic

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Raklo's CCA Application Empty Re: Raklo's CCA Application

Post by RPSim Wed Jul 17, 2013 5:20 pm

Nice application.

Posts : 36
Join date : 2013-05-16
Location : At deh Sodey Pop Store with Raklo!

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Raklo's CCA Application Empty Re: Raklo's CCA Application

Post by Koldisk The Wolf Wed Jul 17, 2013 6:02 pm

Its good. Some shortness. Grammar is good examples and such are good.

Great reason.


Welcome to the CCA
Koldisk The Wolf
Koldisk The Wolf

Posts : 15
Join date : 2013-06-10

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