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Shutup868 (William "Will" Stark)'s CCA application (Koldisk gave me persmission for this)

Private Pyle
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Shutup868 (William "Will" Stark)'s CCA application (Koldisk gave me persmission for this) Empty Shutup868 (William "Will" Stark)'s CCA application (Koldisk gave me persmission for this)

Post by Shutup868 Sat Jul 20, 2013 10:20 am

Name:William "Will" Stark


Give a three paragraph summary of your characters life BEFORE the seven hour war:
  Born March 13, 1991, currently 25 years old. Born in what used to be Arizona of the United States of America. Attended school through college, graduating from MIT by the age of 20. I was something of a mathematics and engineering prodigy. Back to growing up; I was mostly a calm and collected person throughout my earlier years, however could get down and dirty when necessary. I always followed the rules and did was I told, and got far in my pre-war life because of it.
 As for my social life, I participated in multiple groups and organizations, and joined many clubs throughout my school years, gaining many skills in them. I was especially an ace in track and field, as I could run long distances without breaking much of a sweat, had strong upper and lower body strength, and had excellent hand-to-eye coordination. Also, I exercised daily so was able to keep in good shape and stayed very healthy.
 I never had trouble when looking for work, as I was a very charismatic and persuasive person, and able to do what my boss wanted when he wanted it. After graduating from college, it became even easier to find a job, as the demand for engineers was very high by 2010. I worked for all sorts of organizations, and even helped designing robotic designs. However, by the time I was reaching my prime, the war had started, and after that my memory is mostly a blank.

Roleplay examples:

You and your partner find a anti-citizen yelling about the union and how bad it is, what do you do?
/me approaches the citizen, then says: "Citizen, quiet down or you will be re-educated."
Anti-Citizen continues to yell.
/me says: "That's it! Wall!"
/me unclips stunstick and flicks it on.
Anti-Citizen ignores command.
/me says: "You want a non-compliance verdict?"
Anti-Citizen attempts to run away.
Partner manages to block his path, then we start re-educating the citizen.
Once unconscious, we drag him into detainment.

You have standard 03 equipment, five citizen approach you cornering you saying "Drop the items!" What do you do?
/me radios in <::"Five citizens demanding the surrender of my equipment to them, possible anti-citizen situation, requesting immediate back-up at my 10-20."
Citizen attempts to grab my gun, but fails.
/me unslings MP7 and says, "Move back, right now!"
Citizen again attempts to take the MP7.
/me shoots the citizen in the legs in retaliation.
Citizen falls to the ground, other  citizens then begin to attack.
/me repeats, crippling the rest of them.
Backup arrives, all citizens are re-educated and moved to detainment.

You have standard 01 equipment,the City Admin decides to go outside for a stroll along the city, while outside rebels attack you. What do you do?
A large group of rebels suddenly appears, all armed with MP7s.
SeC radios in <::"Large rebel group spotted inside the city, get the Administrator to the Nexus immediately, protect him at all costs. Overwatch units are being dispatched shortly."
/me radios in <::"Copy."
/me unslings MP7 and moves to the Administrators position, saying, "Sir, we need to get you back inside the nexus immediately, armed rebels have been spotted inside the city.
Suddenly, gunshots are heard as a group of CP units move in on the rebels.
As the Administrator is being escorted back to the Nexus, two rebels jump from the shadows with their guns aims directly at the Administrator.
/me says "Move back, right now!"
/me fires some warning shots.
Rebels open fire.
/me shoves the Administrator out of the way.
/me takes a few bullets and begins firing back, and as the rebels start to retreat, Overwatch units start moving in, rounding up the rest of the rebels.

Reasons for joining the CCA?
As soon as I arrived in City 45 I quickly motioned for joining the Civil Worker's Union, since then I've been doing everything in my power to assist the Combine Civil Authority. After recently being inspired by the actions of the Overwatch units in the recent rioting events, I've decided to join the effort to keep civilized society in order.

What skills will be useful in the CCA that you have acquired?
As stated earlier in my back-story, I have great upper and lower body strength, near-perfect vision, great hand-to-eye coordination, and am highly intelligent.

What is the importance of the CCA?
The Combine Civil Authority is absolutely necessary in our world's current state to keep civilized society in order. Without them, we would be nothing more than cavemen, constantly fighting over food and killing each other for no reason. For this reason exactly is why I wish to join them to help in the struggle for civilized society.


Posts : 34
Join date : 2013-07-20
Age : 26

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Shutup868 (William "Will" Stark)'s CCA application (Koldisk gave me persmission for this) Empty Re: Shutup868 (William "Will" Stark)'s CCA application (Koldisk gave me persmission for this)

Post by JakeyPiston Sat Jul 20, 2013 10:25 am

+Support , I don't what much to say, I like the part how you took a bullet for the administrator to save his life, interseting.


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Shutup868 (William "Will" Stark)'s CCA application (Koldisk gave me persmission for this) Empty Re: Shutup868 (William "Will" Stark)'s CCA application (Koldisk gave me persmission for this)

Post by Private Pyle Sat Jul 20, 2013 2:11 pm

+ Support I really don't know what to say. I also do like the part with you taking a bulelt for the administrator
Private Pyle
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Shutup868 (William "Will" Stark)'s CCA application (Koldisk gave me persmission for this) Empty Re: Shutup868 (William "Will" Stark)'s CCA application (Koldisk gave me persmission for this)

Post by RPSim Sat Jul 20, 2013 2:15 pm

I cant decide should I -Support,or +Support.Some parts of your application is good.And some parts are not very good.Ill decide in abit,ill give you times to look around and change the parts needing changing.


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Shutup868 (William "Will" Stark)'s CCA application (Koldisk gave me persmission for this) Empty Re: Shutup868 (William "Will" Stark)'s CCA application (Koldisk gave me persmission for this)

Post by Shutup868 Sat Jul 20, 2013 2:24 pm

Alright, could you tell me what parts I need to work on? I'll try to improve them.


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Age : 26

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Shutup868 (William "Will" Stark)'s CCA application (Koldisk gave me persmission for this) Empty Re: Shutup868 (William "Will" Stark)'s CCA application (Koldisk gave me persmission for this)

Post by Sheldon5579 Sat Jul 20, 2013 4:10 pm

This app is sexy
+support for the reasons of it being just a good app, I like units who will risk their lives to save us. c;
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Shutup868 (William "Will" Stark)'s CCA application (Koldisk gave me persmission for this) Empty Re: Shutup868 (William "Will" Stark)'s CCA application (Koldisk gave me persmission for this)

Post by Shutup868 Sat Jul 20, 2013 4:29 pm

Very Happy Thanks Gandy!


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Age : 26

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Shutup868 (William "Will" Stark)'s CCA application (Koldisk gave me persmission for this) Empty Re: Shutup868 (William "Will" Stark)'s CCA application (Koldisk gave me persmission for this)

Post by Koldisk The Wolf Sat Jul 20, 2013 5:06 pm

My verdict is.....


Some minor problems but I over look it due to your rp skills.

Also one note looc is cleaner from now on please. Dont need another annoyiance to take care of.
Koldisk The Wolf
Koldisk The Wolf

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Shutup868 (William "Will" Stark)'s CCA application (Koldisk gave me persmission for this) Empty Re: Shutup868 (William "Will" Stark)'s CCA application (Koldisk gave me persmission for this)

Post by LucaGnome Tue Aug 06, 2013 4:11 am

Good, good. I saw youre RolePlay. But please, be more serious.

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